Saturday 17 March 2012

Outing ;p

Hi my dear readers, i went out with my friends to watch the new Movie "The woman in Black". I advise you not to watch it alone cuz its damn scary>< But the storyline is very good and detailed so it's worth watching! :) But before we watch movie, we when to eat sake sushi~~ Ohya i go out with Alicia and Jia Lou^^
Sake sushi>Movie>Lan>Home

Monday 12 March 2012

Short Post^^

Hey readers!

I'm back from camp. And i can tell you that camp was very very tiring and yea thats about it^^
Everyday i'm just doing homework and Blackshot the entire day. :p

One day i just hope i can go out with my friends i won't be #foreveralone playing Blackshot and doing homework. T^T  

Lets end of with a quote of the day..
cute right^.~

Monday 27 February 2012


WOOHOO!~~ YESTERDAY i went out with Alicia to bugis! And we sort of lost our way on the way back home... :0 Anyways neoprints>shopping>lan>dinner>home!
My PANDA ring!

i think this is the best shot!^^  
That day my face and hair damn cui, 
all the photos we take not that nice =/ 
Bought is for $6.90! 
bought this for $10
Pls ignore my girly bed sheet!><

Daddy's Birthday!

Hi guys! It has been a very long time since i blogged><! I was so busy with school and the common tests. But now all of the test are over~~ *yay* And as you all can see from the tittle, it's my Daddy's birthday! ^^ 

The whole family went to vivo city to eat and celebrate his b'day! And we saw firework. My father say that there are always fireworks at friday & Saturday at the casino and thank people for 'donating' money to them. :D

One day i shall sit on a curise~~ 
Bandong Soya Milk! Damn sweet.... ><

Sunday 12 February 2012

School days

Hi readers! 

Today i'm gonna just post some random pictures of what we do after school.><
*Not the whole class is here.

Our classroom is damn BRIGHT! During lesson time we still need to draw the curtains just for the people at the side to see the whiteboard because of the reflection. 

Alicia(white pe) and me(green uniform)

I look like a nerd in school...i got to pin up my hair during school. I got caught for more than 3 times from my form teacher and the level master. Siao right! Sometimes even after pin up fringe also will get caught-.- 

Sunday 5 February 2012

Visit my friends!

So on the 3rd or 4th day of CNY i went to Ivan's house to visit visit! Quite alot of people go. Alicia, Amanda, Kerstin, Jing kai, Jones, Xavier.
Kerstin, Amanda, Ivan, Jones
Them again, btw they are all watching tv. =0
The pink colour shirt tee is ivan's mother. 
She is so kind she prepare steamboat for us to eat!=)
Steamboat for dinner! 
During dinner, we pretended that we really was a family! 
Calling each other kor kor and jie jie!<3

After steamboat, we went to gamble mahjong and blackjack! i lose quite alot in blackjack ); But in the 3 rounds of mahjong, i win all the way^^ I guess this year is not for me to play blackjack, but for me to play mahjong! 

Speaking of mahjong, my sis thought of buy a mahjong table! She already have the mahjong set as it was given by her godmother (so good right!) On the weekends, we saw a few mahjong tables and pretty mahjong set and wanted to buy but it was not cheap at all!!! T^T
Hello kitty mahjong set^^
I got this from a blog.* 
This pink mahjong set so cute! I want T^T

CNY day2

What i did for CNY day 2.. i went to one of my relative house for lunch buffet! 
And their house got dog too! :3 Sorry for not taking enough pic my phone ran out of batt..T^T 

Makeup and outfit of the day!

At least the 2nd day de makeup still okay. ><