Saturday 29 October 2011

 2nd LAST DAY OF SCHOOL... getting lazier during the holidays i don't even feel like blogging or gaming. ><
But i'm still blogging ya.

so the 2nd last day of school, the school surprisingly have the money to bring the whole secondary 2 students to vivo city to do a MATHS TRAIL???????
Woah who knows actually our school quite rich lah, can provide us bus to bring us to vivo city and got the time to set up so maths trail activity(which is useless since EOY is over) and every one go there slack.(Including me =P)

So i tried to take photos from the start of the journey until the end.
Here are the photos...YAY

                                     Walking to our first activity
                        HAHA Jing Kai. Everyone has a sian look on their face.
                          Boys waiting slacking while doing the activity.
Faiz & Zaki
Seniors explaining about the activity.
Here we are in our next activity.
Picture of almost everyone =D
                                         Jian Xuan & Xavier
                            3rd activity: about counting the steps..
                 Me and Joreen slacking,Joreen nails got nail polish on >.~
  4th activity: measuring the height of the water. In the end everyone end up playing the water. :)
                                Alois writing the height of the water.
After that, everyone went inside to do another activity then we had a short break where everyone is allowed to go to the food republic and buy expensive food...
And thats the end!! :D
Later gonna post the 'last day of sch'. Now go pei my 2nd sis go compass point eat burger king hehe >.~
BYE!!!  SORRY for the last min blog post. I know its very rush and not much details. D=

Wednesday 26 October 2011


WOOTS!!!! Like finally i have NEW SPECTACLE & CONTACT LENS!!! >A<

OKAY should stop talking and post some pictures :D
                                         My spectacle..=P
                          YAY!!! MY CONTACT LENS.
                           Mystical Black, Diameter:14.2mm 
                              This is how it looks like(the design):D
                         ME ^^ never edit this photo so its NATURAL.
                         Ya i look ugly in this picture..D:
                         But both eyes look bigger with contacts. =)

END. Nothing to say so..bye ^^
p.s would like to thank my mum for buying this for me =) Love her!

Sunday 23 October 2011


Nothing has been happening latlely...Nothing much,hmmm maybe I got new CONTACT LENS is a new thing?? =P SOO HAPPY...>< Finally i buy new ones if not u all get bored of me le D=
HEHE...will be getting my contacts at Wednesday ^^ together with my new spectacle*.
Ohya my mum dun let me buy GEO or EOS(from online) so dun expect too much XP

*NEW SPECTACLE = New Degree** + New Frame
**sad to say my degree increase.. T^T

Anyways will be posting some new pictures of my contact lens and spectacle after i get them!
AND I didn't buy colour contacts..D: But my contacts is BLACK so i might wear to school. CAN'T WAIT TO WEAR THEM!!!

so BYE. ><

Tuesday 18 October 2011


sorry for not posting it earlier..D:
Okie posting many pictures of the cleaning up process:
                        Everybody in class wait for teacher to come..
                                    Me, Alysa & charis :D
                      Ivan's solo picture wif his new ''bangs'' :O
           I wonder...if our class so dirty liao le still need to clean outside..><

This part of the photos are all the pictures when we have reached our destined place to pick rubbish(Blk445B).
                       diao..all the rubbish are cigarette butts...-.-
                    some small kids looking at us picking up cigarette butts..
             Jones, Charis & Ivan =D (cuz of our register number we always together as a group XP)
                                        YAY~ Group photo!!!
  HAHA..met Alysa group halfway,then we all sit down and chat. :)
                                   Syimah & charis :D
                                  Zaki so kind gib me sweet ^^
                               Me and Charis Failed pic... ><

That's the end!!! :D Might be going out this weekend again, so might be posting so pic again!!
Bye ^.~

Sunday 16 October 2011


Yesterday i went out shopping with my mum and sis...nothing much happen..(sadly). As usual wanted to go bugis but my sis say go Dhoby Ghaut there walk walk then we go City Hall and Raffles Place there shop shop. But all the clothes there so EXPENSIVE...and dun suit me..>< so came back home empty handed. 
Not only i came back home empty handed but i didn't even take photos of the whole outing.. cuz my phone NO BATTERY!!!!!  So no pictures and a bbbboooorrrrriiinnnnggggg shopping  trip..... D: 

I try to post more pictures tmr :D cuz tmr got CIP "Fernvale Estate & Sengkang  Riverside cleanup'' hope it's not boring...D:

Bia Bia♥•♥•♥•♥•♥•

Friday 14 October 2011

Outing at Nex!!

Movie at NEX!!!

Today me,Amanda,kerstin and Alicia go to NEX watch Movie, but before we went to watch movie, we go eat yoghurt..hehe here are the photos :D
AWESOME yoghurt ^^

After eating, we go buy popcorn :) btw the movie we watch is......

                                          Damn funny!!>A<
                                        our seating place..

Then Kerstin wanna try her luck on the claw machine :X btw Alicia join us at a later part,see never watch Movie with us. ):
Here are some picture^^
                          Awww...but she didn't get her stitch D:
Anyways we go walk walk then go to a gift shop to play XP
                                           Me with neko(cat) ^^
                                 kerstin and her cute girl stitch!
                                      Amanda:s twin pooh :D
                                      Alicia's "I Love You" Cup~
                            Kerstin found her stitch again!! :P      

Let me end off with a group photo :D
                              Happy smiles everyone!!!.•♥•.¸¸.•♥•

Ohya...tmr going to bugis again..but this time is with my parents, hope to post more picture again

Thursday 13 October 2011

Bugis outing!!♥

As promised, i finally post the pictures of the bugis outing with my buddies :)
People who went to the bugis with me are...Alicia,Amanda,Kerstin,Joreen,Tricia And Yu Ting. :D

Here are some pictures: 

We actually took many photos during the llllooooonnnngg trip on th MRT from compass to bugis. But i've decided to only take 2 photos to post on the blog. >< (btw..can u spot me at the second photo?? XP)

Then when we reach bugis liao le we go take neoprint ^^
Took whole group and individual group neoprint!!
Whole group looks like this: (i know,we squeeze like siao!!)

The individual group looks much more better :D so much more space hehe


Some random pictures of them decorating the neoprints :P

Next off we go to bugis street!!~
Finding for the food stalls,cos we all were hungry!!
Cute Joreen and Amanda, finding for food~ 
                                  Yu Ting buying food!
                              Tricia stuffing her waffle-hotdog.><

After eating, we all separated into groups to go shopping. Then eat our dinner at Burger King but sadly Tricia's mother is gonna meet her at bugis so she didn't sit bus with us back home..T^T
But yet again we took many pictures on our way back home. >A<
Here are the pictures:
                                                    Two chio bu~
                   Pretty girls~ (btw they took my phone and take de XP)

                      Me helping Amanda to remove her mascara in the bus:]

                          This is me say ''BaiBai' ♫♫♫*♥*♫♫♫

Ohya!!! I forgot!!! I'm sorry Alicia & Yu Ting that I never take neoprint with u two cos we got no time(T^T) time we must go take together!♥