Thursday 13 October 2011

Bugis outing!!♥

As promised, i finally post the pictures of the bugis outing with my buddies :)
People who went to the bugis with me are...Alicia,Amanda,Kerstin,Joreen,Tricia And Yu Ting. :D

Here are some pictures: 

We actually took many photos during the llllooooonnnngg trip on th MRT from compass to bugis. But i've decided to only take 2 photos to post on the blog. >< (btw..can u spot me at the second photo?? XP)

Then when we reach bugis liao le we go take neoprint ^^
Took whole group and individual group neoprint!!
Whole group looks like this: (i know,we squeeze like siao!!)

The individual group looks much more better :D so much more space hehe


Some random pictures of them decorating the neoprints :P

Next off we go to bugis street!!~
Finding for the food stalls,cos we all were hungry!!
Cute Joreen and Amanda, finding for food~ 
                                  Yu Ting buying food!
                              Tricia stuffing her waffle-hotdog.><

After eating, we all separated into groups to go shopping. Then eat our dinner at Burger King but sadly Tricia's mother is gonna meet her at bugis so she didn't sit bus with us back home..T^T
But yet again we took many pictures on our way back home. >A<
Here are the pictures:
                                                    Two chio bu~
                   Pretty girls~ (btw they took my phone and take de XP)

                      Me helping Amanda to remove her mascara in the bus:]

                          This is me say ''BaiBai' ♫♫♫*♥*♫♫♫

Ohya!!! I forgot!!! I'm sorry Alicia & Yu Ting that I never take neoprint with u two cos we got no time(T^T) time we must go take together!♥  

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