Monday 14 November 2011


IT HAS BEEN SO LONG SINCE I BLOG. And ya i know it has been a looong time T^T
So i decide to write 2 new post :D

This is the first post ><

So i had been busy with my GAMING, READING MANGA,WATCHING ANIME & CAMP....<<< i know choir camp some more.
Go there do boring camp activity. And some more i group IC2(like some co-group leader...-.-)
AND i got no interest in being a leader..=,=

It was so boring...lazy to even take a photo of the camp booklet so that i can show u all what activities..
I 1st day at night go call my mum before light out then i ask her if i actually can dont go this camp. she say ya actually u don't go also can one. Zzzzz if i know that i no need go de i sure dont go de!

aiya so very fast the 3day 2night camp over  then at night my whole family eat grilled food<< something like BBQ. :D
                                SUPER NICE TO EAT. ^^

SO END OF MY 1ST POST. NOW gonna write about my 2nd post :D

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