Wednesday 2 November 2011


sorry i should update my blog earlier and more frequently. But I'm just too lazy..D=
Anyways, last day of school man! It was sad but no one cried or anything. But i;m sure in everyone's heart theres a part where they will miss 2N1. Cuz how can we not forget a class which help one another? and other stuff which i'm lazy to type.

Straight to the point now! I  2N1
posting truckloads of pictures >< DAMN LAZY to write anything!!


Hehe theres actually more phots but theres too many so i took the best few photos. 
MISS 2N1 Already! Hope we all will be in the same class next year! *prays hard*
So thats about it! Tmr is our subject combination results hope i can get into the subject that i want!
~gonna change my blogskin soon~ (i'll stop changing when i found a suitable one ><)

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