Saturday 19 November 2011

My Personal Life...

As you all know, i've been really bored at home. Cause there isn't many computer games to play. Or as what my mum say "you grow up le." That means i grow to the stage where i think computer games are not FUN ANYMORE...OMG <<< I know right,how can i not be playing any games?? I mean computer games are my life! *sad*  If i'm not playing com games,what else can i do??

So this is what i do at home...
Yes..i take random photos of FOOD & THINGS AROUND ME..i know i'm LAME.. T^T
But if you get tried of the normal pocky, you should try the ones below~~
Try this...super delicious. ><
This too, Strawberry Flavour 
Then this is the Blueberry flavour.The taste is really interesting.One bite and its full of Blueberry ^^
Like Frechfries!
And this,my house's de Christmas Tree :3 Pretty right? 

That's about it,nothing much.... Just all about food and knowing that my life is this BORING....
Hope i can go out soon, so that i can take more pictures about my outing with my friends :D Rather than this boring stuff on top...(i wonder why do i even post this..D:) 
Anyways it's raining now(AGAIN) so ya feel free to follow me on Twitter to know more about my BOORING life :D

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