Wednesday 16 November 2011

Happy 3rd Month-Versary! 

Yesterday i went out with Amanda,Alicia,Ronald,Xaiver& Jing Kai. We went to Seoul Garden at Compass to celebrate :D This is like my first time eating at Seoul Garden and the food there not bad, very interesting ><

Before meeting Alicia they all at Seoul Gardan, me and Amanda go to Breadtalk to buy AliciaxxRonald's cake to celebrate. :)

Okay i will start posting some pictures <3 (don't ask me why i'm wearing my sch pe,cuz i had choir before going to Seoul Garden)
Jing kai and Xavier
Ohya cuz of the big group, we eat at separate grills
Amanda cooking^^ Ivan eating :D
LOLS!! i cracked the egg then the yolk suck there :#
The yolk came out :D ~mixing~
Pour inside the soup!

Over cooked meat..yuck >;P
i got totally no idea what jing kai is doing.. :O
Okay this is so much better thatn the above pic.
FAT CRABSTICK..we let it cook in the soup for too looong and it became FAT :D
Fried Magi mee :P Damn black lorh
My ice cream :D (strawberry&yam)
Amanda's (cookie-and-cream & strawberry)
Alicia's ice cream,spoon full of topping~
Can u all see the pink pink thing?
 Close up: IT'S ICE CREAM! :D
Joke sia, forget who go put the strawberry inside.But damn funny sia
compass now having a anime figuring display
Everyone slacking here for awhile..
Lighting the candle outside compass. Wind too strong. ><
The cake nice right? Me and Amanda choose de :D
Me,Amanda and Alicia :3
LOLS, got no idea what happen. RANDOM PIC
Alicia feed Ronald the cake..Sweet~
haha erm..All sitting down?? 

After this we went to structure park just beside compassvale primary << my old primary sch..=.=
We go structure park to slack.
Xavier at the top. cool sia
Alicia,Amanda& Me. OMG...i got the pedo look.. T^T 
Other people vandalize de, i just anyhow take photo de.

Okay!!! Finally done! Alicia just now tweeted me ask me update bloggg. She say she want take pics from me >< Cute ;3 
YAY finally finished updating^^ going to Riverview mall de daiso to buy small drawers to put my stuff. Gonna update random thingys about my life on the next post. Soooo looking forward to it :D 
BYE!! (shit!! Raining sooon D:)

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