Thursday 24 November 2011

Out with my babe~

Hey^^ woots! Finally i get to go out with my pretty girl, ALICIA!
Hehe we so lonely only 2 person go only..cuz almost all of the girls are busy D: *sad*
So let me post some pictures and let the pictures do the talking!
Cute right? hehe. 
We use this machine. So expensive $13, but so worth it :D
ME & Alicia!!
We camwhore at the toilet <3
We both when to a Japanese restaurant to eat. We ate Omu Rice.
The menu~
Looks delicious right!
So cheap. All together $13.89 for 2 person to eat.
Omu rice!
Corn soup~!
It's tomato rice inside damn nice to eat!
The fries isn't oil! YAY!

WOAH that was fast... one of the shortest and less detailed blog post. :0 
Omg too short liao le.. Ohya during the journay back home, me and Alicia was talking while waiting for the train. Then suddenly some pedo uncles keep looking at us..creepy lorh. They keep smiling at us. Not the happy/kind smile, is the pedo smile...damn weird lorh..But heng we board the train they never follow us. so ya.
END! >< 

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