Monday 26 December 2011

HEY! It's Christmas~ Part 2

OMG....its like 12 am...and i'm bloging about part 2, so tiring!
Here it goes,PART 2 CHRISTMAS DAY!
My whole family went to my grandparents' house to have a BBQ!!!!^^  So since it is christmas...I got a chance to wear my Santa and Rudolph earring! Take a look =D
Left ear^^ (santa)
Right ear^^ (Rudolph)
hehe. 2 different earrings =D
 It's not much of a christmas BBQ we had,its like any other normal BBQ.^^(sorry forget to take photos D=)So now i'm going off topic...=\

What do you think? =\
Now i want to share with you readers my pretty nails~ Took me quite a long time to make it cuz i have short nails-.-. I got inspired by lace and soft baby colours! =3 It's quite easy to do it. All you need a steady hand and the right tools to make this nails! Hmm i think i will try to make more nail designs so you all readers can have pretty nails too ^^ Ohya! Can you all spot the different colours? I used Pink for my 1st,2nd,5th nails and Blue for my 3rd & 4th nail. =D
Pink x Blue nails
Love my nails!^^
 A random picture of me... ^.~

Hope you all enjoyed your Christmas! =D
Erm sorry that the whole part 2 post has alot of pictures of me...S=

HEY! It's Christmas~ Part 1

Hey readers! (not sure if i even have any readers,my blog views didn't increase much *sad*)
Anyways CHRISTMAS is finally OVER. I spent alot of money during Christmas....(scary much?) So during Christmas Eve my sis bring her dog over to my house and play! We ate steamboat at night!
HE so cute^^
Both of them playing.
Log cake my sis buy from 'Four leaf' cakeshop(not cheap yo)
All the presents waiting to be open!
This is the bear bear bag i buy for my nephew.
My elder sis buy for me a cute hello kitty bag that comes with a small pouch! 
My dearest mum buy for me a Swarovski diamond necklace! *best present ever*
Thanks Mum! ^^

So thats the end for Christmas Eve, the next post will be Part 2 (Christmas day!)

Thursday 22 December 2011

My nephew!

Omg.. it has been a long time since i blogged. >< Cause there is nothing much to blog about! But Yesterday i went out with Alicia! We go lan for 4 hours! We go lan play blackshot as usual ^^
Omg...i look so Fugly!!! Alicia still so pretty><

Then TODAY my sister offered me and my mum some Macarons! Looks so cute but i don't really like it.. =\ Too sweet XP
Looks nice right!
The macaron is filled with jam fillings sandwiched between two cookies!
Looks cute^^ so no harm trying if you like sweet stuff! 

Ohya almost forgotten! I'm here to blog about my 1yr old+ nephew. If you know me,i always been saying that my nephew is cute but VERY VERY naughty! And cuz of him i always need to be back home my mum wants me to help take care of him. *sian*
This are the photos of him....

hehe>< so i will end here! 

Sunday 18 December 2011


My parents came back home from China yesterday..*sian* But glad that they came back home safely. :D
My rotting at home as outings...And my com don't allow me to play Blackshot but can surf the internet.-.- So i'm here bloging about useless stuff... =X

Anyways, my sis was at Ehub! with her friends and she buy back a small little mid-night snack for me~
Cute right!!! It's a super small cupcake! But it does not taste as nice as it's a bit dry so it's quite hard to swallow.. =0
6 mini cupcakes @ $4....>< (so affordable) haha..ate one there cuz it drop out.
The box!
A random picture of me....-.- 
i look like a ghost,cuz of the effect..but my eyes looks nice? =\

Thursday 15 December 2011

choir gals!

Yesterday i went out with my choir gals Yuan Yuan and Xue Ting <3 They are from the same cca as me Choir. So we decided to go out to watch movies and take neoprints!

So,we took the neoprints first >>>
The neoprint we took><
This is my favourite shot. Looks cute right><
After the neoprint we went to Iluma to watch 'The Muppets'. The movie is not bad but it's like a musical.
We went to 'Just Acia' to eat our dinner :D The food there is affortable and there is a free flow of drinks & ice cream. How cool is that!!><
Yuan Yuan's fish with cheese
My dumpling udon
Xue ting's Spaghetti 
Ice cream :D
Group photo!

Okay so thats the end! Tmr i'm going out with my sister to Orchard to shop shop! Hope i can buy new clothes! YAY! :D 
Follow me on Twitter!!~

Monday 12 December 2011


Today i went out with ALICIA<<<super pretty girl :D
We actually wanted to go to Orchard but then we got no money to go Orchard, so we went NEX cuz i need to buy pens for my sis then we went to bugis to take neoprints.

The neoprint! The machine enlarge our eye until BIG BIG... :O 
After taking the neoprint we realise that we had the exact pose as the previous neoprint. (see the dates)
Our dinner!

We actually went to LAN also to play Blackshot for about 3hrs. The thing that i'm pissed about is the uncle sitting next to me. He go LAN never play games it's alright but he go watch some weird videos on Youtube then on the volume loud loud, i can't even play properly....aiya think about it i angry...-.- better not continue saying.

So that concludes today's outing <3 hope to go out with Alicia again! And hope buy nice clothes back home instead of we always window shop but never buy anything...T^T *NO MONEY*<<<<This is Alicia's bloggg~~

And don't forget to follow me on Twitter! :D

Saturday 10 December 2011

Title+safe trip!*

Omg...I just notice that I didn't put any title for any blog post so starting from today,i am gonna put one on each post! Hehe.
My parents are going to china in exactly 1hrs time. And they will be going there for one week so I'll be slacking at home doing...NOTHING!!! Anyways,i wish them a safe trip!

*Sorry for this short post,I was just hoping that my parents will see this.><

Wednesday 7 December 2011

Fun we had...

Today i went out with Alicia to Orchard but in the end we went to Chinatown. Cause we don't really know how to go orchard>< and if we go Orchard only can window shopping...(things at Orchard aren't cheap ya.)
So when we reach there we explore a little and found a place to sit down and eat our lunch. We went to 'pick and eat' to eat. *LOL* I ordered Siu Mai and Ice lemon tea then Alicia ordered Siu Mai and coke :3
Siu Mai
Ice lemon tea

Me and Alicia sit down there and chat while eating, and we actually had so much fun talking to each other. And we found out that we both share many things in common. Its only natural that both of us to be come BEST FRIENDS!!! *YAY* Hope we can be come like Spongebob and Patrick>< 
"Knowledge cannot replace friendship I'd rather be an idiot that to lose you."
-Patrick to Spongebob 

And than after eating we went shopping and walk walk around Plaza Singapura, ate dinner and went home. Hope to go out soon with Alicia <3

Monday 5 December 2011

Cousin's Wedding Dinner (2 dec 2011)

If you read my last few post, this will be the part 2 of my cousin's wedding so ya..><
The wedding dinner is held at beside Roxy Hotel.
The Menu~
Table 10 beside the VIP tables ><
Ohya the small little wedding token (something like that)
Bride and Groom walk in~
Cold dish.
Crispy yam cake with scallops.
yum yum!
Shark's Fin soup
hehe..i took the one with the most shark's fin.>< 
The cute newlyweds. <3
Lucky guy^^
*raises glass*
Steamed Marble Gody
I've stop eating after this...too full XP
me and my big sis. (idk why blur blur de)
me and my 2nd sis 
me and her again :D
Me ^^

So hope you all enjoyed reading my blog...i'm so busy with choir and my mum doesn't let me go out so didn't go out with my friends that often... hope to go out with them soon~~ Some more got choir performance tmr..but after that i'll be free after that. YAY! :D