Monday 12 December 2011


Today i went out with ALICIA<<<super pretty girl :D
We actually wanted to go to Orchard but then we got no money to go Orchard, so we went NEX cuz i need to buy pens for my sis then we went to bugis to take neoprints.

The neoprint! The machine enlarge our eye until BIG BIG... :O 
After taking the neoprint we realise that we had the exact pose as the previous neoprint. (see the dates)
Our dinner!

We actually went to LAN also to play Blackshot for about 3hrs. The thing that i'm pissed about is the uncle sitting next to me. He go LAN never play games it's alright but he go watch some weird videos on Youtube then on the volume loud loud, i can't even play properly....aiya think about it i angry...-.- better not continue saying.

So that concludes today's outing <3 hope to go out with Alicia again! And hope buy nice clothes back home instead of we always window shop but never buy anything...T^T *NO MONEY*<<<<This is Alicia's bloggg~~

And don't forget to follow me on Twitter! :D

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