Monday 5 December 2011

Cousin's Wedding Dinner (2 dec 2011)

If you read my last few post, this will be the part 2 of my cousin's wedding so ya..><
The wedding dinner is held at beside Roxy Hotel.
The Menu~
Table 10 beside the VIP tables ><
Ohya the small little wedding token (something like that)
Bride and Groom walk in~
Cold dish.
Crispy yam cake with scallops.
yum yum!
Shark's Fin soup
hehe..i took the one with the most shark's fin.>< 
The cute newlyweds. <3
Lucky guy^^
*raises glass*
Steamed Marble Gody
I've stop eating after this...too full XP
me and my big sis. (idk why blur blur de)
me and my 2nd sis 
me and her again :D
Me ^^

So hope you all enjoyed reading my blog...i'm so busy with choir and my mum doesn't let me go out so didn't go out with my friends that often... hope to go out with them soon~~ Some more got choir performance tmr..but after that i'll be free after that. YAY! :D

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