Wednesday 7 December 2011

Fun we had...

Today i went out with Alicia to Orchard but in the end we went to Chinatown. Cause we don't really know how to go orchard>< and if we go Orchard only can window shopping...(things at Orchard aren't cheap ya.)
So when we reach there we explore a little and found a place to sit down and eat our lunch. We went to 'pick and eat' to eat. *LOL* I ordered Siu Mai and Ice lemon tea then Alicia ordered Siu Mai and coke :3
Siu Mai
Ice lemon tea

Me and Alicia sit down there and chat while eating, and we actually had so much fun talking to each other. And we found out that we both share many things in common. Its only natural that both of us to be come BEST FRIENDS!!! *YAY* Hope we can be come like Spongebob and Patrick>< 
"Knowledge cannot replace friendship I'd rather be an idiot that to lose you."
-Patrick to Spongebob 

And than after eating we went shopping and walk walk around Plaza Singapura, ate dinner and went home. Hope to go out soon with Alicia <3

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