Sunday 18 December 2011


My parents came back home from China yesterday..*sian* But glad that they came back home safely. :D
My rotting at home as outings...And my com don't allow me to play Blackshot but can surf the internet.-.- So i'm here bloging about useless stuff... =X

Anyways, my sis was at Ehub! with her friends and she buy back a small little mid-night snack for me~
Cute right!!! It's a super small cupcake! But it does not taste as nice as it's a bit dry so it's quite hard to swallow.. =0
6 mini cupcakes @ $4....>< (so affordable) haha..ate one there cuz it drop out.
The box!
A random picture of me....-.- 
i look like a ghost,cuz of the effect..but my eyes looks nice? =\

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