Monday 26 December 2011

HEY! It's Christmas~ Part 2

OMG....its like 12 am...and i'm bloging about part 2, so tiring!
Here it goes,PART 2 CHRISTMAS DAY!
My whole family went to my grandparents' house to have a BBQ!!!!^^  So since it is christmas...I got a chance to wear my Santa and Rudolph earring! Take a look =D
Left ear^^ (santa)
Right ear^^ (Rudolph)
hehe. 2 different earrings =D
 It's not much of a christmas BBQ we had,its like any other normal BBQ.^^(sorry forget to take photos D=)So now i'm going off topic...=\

What do you think? =\
Now i want to share with you readers my pretty nails~ Took me quite a long time to make it cuz i have short nails-.-. I got inspired by lace and soft baby colours! =3 It's quite easy to do it. All you need a steady hand and the right tools to make this nails! Hmm i think i will try to make more nail designs so you all readers can have pretty nails too ^^ Ohya! Can you all spot the different colours? I used Pink for my 1st,2nd,5th nails and Blue for my 3rd & 4th nail. =D
Pink x Blue nails
Love my nails!^^
 A random picture of me... ^.~

Hope you all enjoyed your Christmas! =D
Erm sorry that the whole part 2 post has alot of pictures of me...S=

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